About 50 things you must know about pregnancy

检1. Preparation of medical examination: The state has free pre -pregnancy examination, you can consult the community for details

2, folic acid: Start eating after preparing for pregnancy, and continues throughout pregnancy. The country also provides free folic acid. What I eat at the time was this

一3, DHA: Eating fish twice a week can basically meet the needs.

孕4, calcium supplement: 36 weeks of pregnancy at 4 months of pregnancy can be stopped. If calcium tablets are constipated, you can change liquid calcium

不5, milk: Bao mother who can’t drink pure milk can choose pregnant women’s milk powder

我6, eggs: I feel that one is enough. Those who like to eat eggs can eat two

每7, vegetables: about 400 grams per day, dietary fiber can not only prevent constipation during pregnancy, but also prevent intestinal diseases

:8, fish, shrimp: supplement high -quality protein and DHA

9, lean meat: chickens, ducks, pigs and cows are fine, 50-80 grams is fine

每10, fruits: 200-500 grams per day, great attention to the amount of fruit sugar

每11, Nuts: about 30 grams per day

12, iron agent: if the lack is missing, there is no need to make up

期13. Earn the intake of carbohydrates in the early pregnancy, which can prevent ketoic acid poisoning and harm the fetus

生14, group B vitamin and vitamin C can reduce pregnancy, and can consult a doctor if it is serious about pregnancy.

最15. It is best not to cook during pregnancy. The harmful substances in the oil fume are not developing well for the fetus. If you have to do it, turn on the range hood

最16. It is best not to sit for a long time during pregnancy, which not only affects the lumbar spine, but also increases the risk of thrombosis

期17. There is no requirement for sleeping positions in early pregnancy. It is recommended to sleep sideways alternately in the middle and late pregnancy. You can use a pregnant woman’s pillow assistance

18. Avoid strenuous exercise for three months during pregnancy, which is likely to cause abortion. Multi -exercise in the later stages of pregnancy helps to produce later

19, long and not long stretch marks are mainly affected by genetic factors. Control weight is the most effective way to reduce stretch marks. Just apply ordinary olive oil

晚200, in the middle and late pregnancy, it is easy to constipation, eating more vegetables and exercise appropriately can alleviate

21. Frequent urination during pregnancy is very common, which is caused by the increase in uterus. After production, it slowly relieves

After 22 and 20 weeks, expectant mothers can feel the baby’s hiccups, and you can feel it with your heart

孕23. Most pregnant women will have edema in the later stages of pregnancy. Generally, it will be relieved after giving birth

可以 24. Pets can be kept during pregnancy, but do not clean their excrement, and pay attention

可以25, you can use mobile phones, computers, microwave oven and other electrical appliances during pregnancy. If you don’t worry, you can wear protective clothing

吃26, eating bird’s nest during pregnancy can not make the baby smarter, and bone soup can not supplement calcium

27, do not worry too much about umbilical cord around the neck, but pay more attention to fetal movement

情28. Emotional changes during pregnancy generally do not affect the development of the fetus, but the baby can feel the mothers’ emotional fluctuations

准 29. Prepare some snacks during the checkup. You can eat it directly when you are hungry.

羊30, the amniotic fluid before giving birth, do not stand, do not walk, lay your hips up flat, go to the hospital 120

Note: There are differences in amniotic fluid and urine, and amniotic fluid cannot stop

医31. Go to the hospital before production and bring all the test reports during pregnancy

指32, the tire opening finger is generally slow, the second child is relatively fast, and you must be mentally prepared

宝33, the mother who produces the birth can prepare high -calorie snacks such as chocolate, scholarship, and Red Bull to supplement energy

拉34, learning Lamazize breathing method in advance can help relieve the pain of the palace, and try not to yell as much as possible during production to preserve physical strength

时35, allowing the baby to suck in time after delivery

血36, umbilical cord blood is recommended to donate, there is no need to save at your own expense, your umbilical cord blood is basically not used.

产37. Regardless of whether the delivery or caesarean section, there will be pain for the first time after delivery. Be prepared for psychological preparation.

妈38, the mother who produces the mother can eat after giving birth.

欠39, after delivery for 3 days, you must have a list of diet, drink thick soup or eat too greasy and easy to block milk

红40. Drinking brown sugar after giving birth can help exclude lochia, but there is no need to drink too much, it is easy to gain weight easily

间41, you can blow the air conditioner during the confinement, but you cannot directly blow

间42, you can take a bath, wash your hair normally during the confinement, do not take a bath, and pay attention to the wind and warmth.

是43. Breastfeeding is the best ration of the baby. Try to feed it for more than 6 months. If you have conditions, you can feed it to two years old

生44, the baby will be vaccinated and hepatitis B as soon as the baby is born

不45, baby jaundice is not terrible, most babies will have it, eat more and more rows of defecation, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe medicine

的46, the newborn baby is to be fed on demand

奶47, the baby should be patience after drinking milk

睡48, usually the baby’s sleep can be used alternately to sleep, that is, to prevent milk, it can help the climate

适49, exercise appropriately after delivery, but do not sit for a long time, don’t mention heavy objects

注意50, pay attention to personal hygiene after delivery, clean up the lochia in time, and change the underwear frequently

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